May 2, 2016
Weekly Motivation Number Nine
I still can't believe that just last week I finished my freshman year. I am so proud to announce that I finished my second semester strong with a 4.0 GPA. I was actually surprised that I aced my College Algebra class because I was worried about the final. I kept on missing couple of questions on the practice exam and as for the actual exam, some questions were a bit confusing. All I can say is start studying early, use all types of study aids, and just be prepared. Have some faith in yourself and know what you are doing. Don't forget to check your work (for math exams) and answers again. Your final is not a race and it's especially not going to determine whether or not you fail at life. You are more than just your grades and gpa. Give all you got. Lastly, if you don't get the grade you want, then work harder next year. Don't give up on your ideal gpa. Good luck!
April 30, 2016
Music: April Twenty -Sixteen Playlist
As you can see below, this month has been so good to me with good music! This isn't even all of it! I ended this month's playlist about 50 songs. You bet that it was kind of difficult to pick out my favorite songs from the playlist. I hope you like the songs from this month's playlist. I am so excited to create my summer playlists during these upcoming months!
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 //
Quote of the day:
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 //
Quote of the day:
"She sings off-key, but with great spirits." - Kate Spade
April 20, 2016
A Letter to My Thirteen Year -Old -Self // Part One
Dear thirteen year old Sameera, You are currently in middle school. You are realizing that it is nothing like elementary school. There will be non-sense drama and people trying/wanting to grow up. Don't be like those people. However, you will end up hanging out with people who are always dealing with all sorts of drama. Luckily you will be smart enough to stay true to yourself no matter what. You will always be there for your friends, when some of them go through hell. You experience a drift from some of your friends from elementary school. It will be okay. Nothing horrible will happen. That is just life. You will still talk to them every once in a while. You will still be best friends with few people from elementary school. Those people could potentially be your best friends for life.
When seventh grade comes around, you will make new friends and believe that these will your best friends for life.. Just wait until high school to figure out who your best friends for life will be. No need to think about that far in the future. Meanwhile, you will hangout with them every single day for the next few years.
Because you are wanting to stay true to yourself, you might not be pleased by everyone. You are going to keep on using this concept that you learned from elementary school: if you're nice to people, then you are will not have a hard time making friends. You are going to learn that this concept will not always work. You are going to learn that today's concept of making new friends is mostly based on appearances and the clothes you wear. That "today's concept" will not lead you to true friends.
You are going to realize that not a lot of people will care about your kindness. They even might take of advantage it. Please watch out. By end of sixth grade, you are going to start wearing makeup and somewhat straighten your hair everyday. Do me a favor, don't do that everyday. Take this time to sleep-in until 8:30 AM or even 9 AM, because school will not start around 9 AM again for a long time. Sleep is very important and can make difference in your life.
You are going to start liking the stuff that everyone in school has and wear. Before you buy that item, ask yourself this: "Are you buying this because you like it or because everyone has it. Once you start wearing popular clothing brands, like Aeropostale, you might receive a comment behind your back. Do not care what people say about you in any situation. Wear what you like. Wear it for no one, but for yourself.
You are going to do some really dumb stuff. Think before you do. Your life is not a movie/TV show. You will be lucky that whatever you do will not go out of hand. There will be times that you will feel left out. It is okay. Use that time to do things that will make you happy. Start a hobby, such as writing or drawing.
Eighth grade might be your favorite year because you got the best teachers ever!! You are going to do a great job on making the best of it in your Language Arts class. That class will actually reveal your true happiness because of the people in that class. They might think you are crazy, but they will not judge you. They might tease you though. You will never forget your teachers. Your U.S. History and Science teacher will teach you valuable lessons for life. You might forget some, but not too many. You will definitely miss them and wish that they were also your high school teachers.
You will make a new friend. You are going to think that y'all will be best friends. Spoiler alert: Your friendship with her will only last a couple of months. As time passes by, you are going to learn so much from how and why that friendship ended. It will be a valuable lesson. Later on, you are going to realize that you deserved better. Keep in mind, you guys will be still be civilized.
Things will change in eighth grade, but you will be okay. Change is good. You will truly learn the concept of change later on. By the end of eighth grade, you will believe that high school will be amazing. Let's just say that, it is a good thing that you were not dumb enough to think that high school will be like high school musical minus the breakout singing and dancing. Little do you know..
I hate to tell you this, but all throughout summer during middle school, no one will invite you to hangout. YouTube will become your best friend, possibly for life. You will discover people, such as Bethany Mota, Meghan Parker, Megan and Liz, etc. These people will inspire you. Just wait and see.
Overall, you will think that middle school sucked, but girl.. Wait until you experience high school. One word. Rollercoaster. Enjoy the ride. Oh I almost forgot, Taylor Swift is your person. She understands you. I mean "You Belong With Me", "Teardrops On My Guitar", "Mean", and "Enchanted". It gets better. RED. 1989. WAIT WHAT? GOTTA BLAST. So yeah, she is your long lost older sister. KARLIE KLOSS. OKAY I LOVE YOU LITTLE SAMEERA.
April 18, 2016
Weekly Motivation Number Eight
HEY GUYS. This week is somewhat special because it is my last full week of being a college freshman. Friends, time goes by fast. I am so planning to write a freshman year college reflection! I have a lot to say about it, so stay tune for that! Because it is my last week of classes, there is obviously going to be last minute assignments and finals throughout this week and even next week. If you are also near the ending of your spring semester, then we got this under control. We can do this as always! As for my people that are either in middle or high school, you guys may have almost a month or two left of school. You are so close to summer. Everyone!! Do not stop now. Work for that final grade! Take advantage of everything, such as extra credit, ask for help, practice, use resources that you are given by your teachers, etc. Most importantly, believe in yourself, take a break when you are feeling stressed out, and please no all-nighters. Good luck, my lovelies.
April 7, 2016
Explore With Me // March 12th, 2016: Thomasville, Georgia
Few weeks ago during my spring break, my friend invited me to go on a mini road trip to the historic Thomasville, George! I was really excited because this was my first time going to this place that I have heard millions of times! We explored the downtown area. There were many shops and clothing boutiques to discover. The atmosphere was really nice and so different than my hometown. While walking around the downtown, it reminded me of Rosewood from Pretty Little Liars and Storybrooke from Once Upon a Time. I really like those types of towns. But before we went exploring, we stopped at Jonah's Fish and Grits, the town's well-known popular restaurant, for lunch. I really enjoyed the food! It was actually the main reason why it was a plan to go to Thomasville. I was able to take some pictures so yay! I would like to share them to you guys! I am going to be honest, I felt a bit nervous while taking few of these pictures because I normally do not take pictures every 15 minutes haha, but I do wish I took more because the downtown was beautiful. I hope to go back soon!

Downtown area! Pretty neat!

Ah I forgot the title of the flavor, but I do know it was
a chocolate cupcake with cheesecake. It was delicious.

I will come back for you, Thomasville!

Downtown area! Pretty neat!

Ah I forgot the title of the flavor, but I do know it was
a chocolate cupcake with cheesecake. It was delicious.

The cupcakes looked so yummy.
I wish I have the talent to create cute cupcakes!

Overall, the cupcake shop was perfect!!
This can literally be the best spot to have a photoshoot!
Location: Smallcakes
I wish I have the talent to create cute cupcakes!

Overall, the cupcake shop was perfect!!
This can literally be the best spot to have a photoshoot!
Location: Smallcakes

I will come back for you, Thomasville!
Quote of the day:
"It's time to get away." - unknown
"Once a year, go someplace you have never been before." - Dalai Lama
"Once a year, go someplace you have never been before." - Dalai Lama
April 5, 2016
Weekly Motivation Number Seven
GUYS. April is a crazy month for me. My freshman year of college ends this month. Crazy, right?! My college has this weird schedule haha. Due to April being the last month of my school year, it is really important. I have finals in two weeks!! I'm not too worried about it, but if I want to maintain my 4.0, then I have to prepare for it. I think I can do this. If you're on the same boat as me, then good luck! Meanwhile, for everyone that end school either next month or June, ahh you are almost there! Keep on working hard in a smart way of course. Just don't think about the last week of school too much. Live in the moment. I hope you all have already started this week on a positive note. If not, then hey tomorrow is a new day! You get a fresh start!
March 31, 2016
Music: March Twenty -Sixteen Playlist
It's that time again, when I share my favorite songs of the month!! Choosing my top songs was hard because I discovered many good songs, especially from the #1 hit TV show Grey's Anatomy!! Yes, I even included Meredith's and Christina's dance it out song (Where Does the Good Go)!! So much emotion. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy jammin' out to these tunes!
My Spotify:
Quote of the day:
"Music is life. That's why our heart have beats." - unknown
March 30, 2016
(Mid)weekly Motivation Number Six
I haven't forgotten about you. Today is Wednesday. We are halfway done with this week!! We can't stop now! I hope these posts will help you conquer the rest of this week! Much love!
March 20, 2016
Weekly Motivation Number Five
I know.. I have been slacking on my normal weekly post.. School has been keeping me busy. I really want to continue to have my name on the President's List for this semester! When I am not working on school-related things, I just want to escape from reality and watch Grey's. Do not get me wrong, I love blogging, but sometimes I do not want to blog, because I have to in order to reach the "deadline". I feel like I am required to post weekly in order to maintain a successful blog. Now where's the fun in that?
One month from now I will be finished with my first year of college. Crazy, right?? I can not believe it. Because this semester is ending soon, I will be hustling to the finish line, hopefully with a 4.0. No, I take that back! I WILL finish strong with a 4.0! I GOT THIS. I need to focus and keep my eye on my prize. If you are in the same situation as me, then I know you can do it too.
One month from now I will be finished with my first year of college. Crazy, right?? I can not believe it. Because this semester is ending soon, I will be hustling to the finish line, hopefully with a 4.0. No, I take that back! I WILL finish strong with a 4.0! I GOT THIS. I need to focus and keep my eye on my prize. If you are in the same situation as me, then I know you can do it too.

March 14, 2016
Weekly Motivation Number Four
Now that spring break is over or once it is over, summer will be on top of your mind 24/7. You need that last nine weeks or last trimester grade to count. It is really important, because it is your last chance to show what you got for your current grade year. I know you can reach your ideal grade! You can do this! I hope these quotes help you. Have a wonderful week! Always remember that your hard work will pay off soon!
March 13, 2016
My Healthy Change Starts Now
For as long as I can remember, ever since middle school, I have been wanting to eat healthier and lose weight. I think at the time it was for the wrong reasons, such as desiring to have a thin body and fit-in with the "cool" people. Almost every girl in my middle and high school had the ideal body I wanted (currently feeling the same way in college). Fast forward to now, after watching one of my favorite YouTube vlogger's video called, What Changed My Life, it hit me big time. Caitlin has truly inspired me to eat healthier. It is something that she said that deeply inspired me to change my eating habits. However, my plan is not to go vegan. I just want to create a healthy lifestyle, in other words, it is time for a positive change for myself and be truly happy for once. I was told by my friend that starting early at around a young adult age or even younger is a great starting point to begin a healthy lifestyle. If you wait any longer, it could be more difficult than it already is and possibly too late due to diseases. To help keep me motivated, I have been thinking about creating a new series for the blog. I want to start posting what I eat. For the past week or so I have been watching YouTube videos on healthy lunches and breakfast ideas and following food accounts that are filled with yummy healthy meals. Maybe you want to tag along with me on my health journey! We could even share recipes and tips! I would love to have a support system!
This is the video. It maybe around seventeen minutes, but it is so worth to watch. I bet you will learn something that you did not know before by watching this video.
This is the video. It maybe around seventeen minutes, but it is so worth to watch. I bet you will learn something that you did not know before by watching this video.
Quotes of the day:
"Few people change their entire lifestyle, become fit, eat better, become healthier, happier, and positive-minded individuals. Most just get skinnier (and gain the weight back)." - unknown
"Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle." - unknown
March 7, 2016
Weekly Motivation Number Three
Hey hey. I have not forgotten about this motivation weekly series. I've been busy with school, which I guess is a good thing, since I'm working towards my goal of getting a 4.0 GPA for this semester! What are your goals at this moment? Comment below! I hope these posts help you feel motivated to reach your goals! Have a wonderful week!
Focus on yourself.
Life is too short and goes by really fast. It still blows my mind that I'm finally in college.
Live life with no regrets. This is something I need to work on.
I could not have said it any better.
March 5, 2016
Music: February 2016 Playlist
Here is the monthly top 10 songs from my February playlist! Now that my spring break has arrived, I'm looking forward to listening to new music! If you have any suggestions on who and what music I should listen to, feel free to comment! I hope you enjoy this month's playlist!
Check out my Spotify for the full playlist and other playlists from the past!

Quote of the day:
"Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music." - Ronald Reagan
February 29, 2016
Karlie Kloss // Stuart Weitzman
Hi! For the past few months I've been obsessing over Stuart Weitzman Lowland Over-The-Knee Boots. I have also been a huge klossy fan! She is my inspiration, when it comes to self-confidence, motivation, and fashion and of course she is my sunshine. While I do not own a pair of these super cute versatile boots, I like to look at pictures of people wearing it and how they are incorporating it with their outfits. As you can see Karlie has a pair of the boots and has worn it with different outfits. I am not surprised that all of her outfits are super cute. I would definitely wear them all!

I love military green!

I see this as a go-to casual outfit!
I love the color of her shirt. Maroon looks good with black.
When New York City gets chilly! Such an effortless look!
I love Kloss for wearing a gray sweater.
I feel like this outfit would be hard to pull-off, because of the blue stripes (if I'm correct). Other than that it is cute and so city chic!
You're seeing this picture again, because that is how much I love this outfit.
Disclaimer: These pictures you see are from Google Images.
Quote of the day:
"Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." - Rachel ZoeFebruary 16, 2016
Weekly Motivaton Number Two
Hey! I hope all had a wonderful weekend celebrating the day of love! I'm back with another weekly motivation post! I recently found out that my spring break is less than a month for me, not that I have any plans or anything, but I'm excited! I'm pretty sure your spring break is coming up shortly, meaning that's all you have been thinking about, which could either be good or bad. Well no worries, scroll down and just maybe you will get your motivation back!

We all have those negative thoughts or people just bringing us down. Let me tell you, those thoughts and people are not worth it. You gotta shake out all of the stuff that are bothering you and focus on the good. The things that are bothering you can be fixed with something better. If you need help, you could always listen to Shake It Off by Taylor Swift!
One of the BIGGEST problems I have is worrying too much about the little stuff that won't matter later in life, like being pretty enough for the people at school. We girls know that we are better than the society's standards of beauty. To be truly happy we should focus other things like our goals and being a better person. Now that is true beauty.
This post may have a similar message as the post above, but this quote is my favorite. This is so true. You can do anything if you set your mind to it. We are blessed to live on Planet Earth, filled with several resources to help us reach to where we want to go.

We all have those negative thoughts or people just bringing us down. Let me tell you, those thoughts and people are not worth it. You gotta shake out all of the stuff that are bothering you and focus on the good. The things that are bothering you can be fixed with something better. If you need help, you could always listen to Shake It Off by Taylor Swift!
One of the BIGGEST problems I have is worrying too much about the little stuff that won't matter later in life, like being pretty enough for the people at school. We girls know that we are better than the society's standards of beauty. To be truly happy we should focus other things like our goals and being a better person. Now that is true beauty.
Wondering why you should go to school or buy studio lights for your videos instead of that cute pair of boots? Well this is your answer. It takes passion and time. Never give up. There is always a way.
This post may have a similar message as the post above, but this quote is my favorite. This is so true. You can do anything if you set your mind to it. We are blessed to live on Planet Earth, filled with several resources to help us reach to where we want to go.
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