October 17, 2015

Personal Goals // College Freshman

Hey guys! I hope all is well. Let me tell y'all something college is hard and tiring. That probably explains why I don't post every few days as I would like to. Honestly for now it would be nice to post at least twice a week, but I'm lazy (sorry about that). Anyway today I want to "talk" about my goals for this school year, so this should be fun haha.

C O L L E G E   F R E S H M A N   G O A L S

 Strive for straight A's

 Make at least five new friends
  I made two friends so far so yay

 Join at least two clubs
  I recently found out there's a health profession club so yay again

 Take pictures everyday for a month

 Start studying/reviewing everyday of the week on school nights, so you don't have to worry about it during the weekend.
  YAY for a stress-free weekend!!
Also learn the material, instead of just memorizing it

TRY to go to a concert or music festival!!
   Embarrassing Fun Fact: I've never been to a concert :)))

Post more on the blog more often!!!
Like I said before, posting twice a week is going to be my goal. I've noticed that this will be my 19th post, so I hope to reach 50 posts by end of December!

When in doubt, ask for help!! 
I'm definitely going to take full advantage of my teacher's office hours! Once again, they have office hours, because they want to help you. Also go to your advisor if you have any questions that concerns with academics and student services for health concerns.

Strive to be positive
Trying to stay positive can be hard for me sometimes. A friendly reminder will do the works, such as
post-it notes filled with my favorite quotes and phrases!!

Learn something new
So many things and I don't know where to start.
Here are some things I would like to learn soon: cook pasta with sauce, crochet, read Arabic, etc.

Love myself 100%
Honestly, I need to point out the things I love about myself and accept who I am.
I admire what Zendaya responded to about the question about accepting yourself. 
She was asked, "What do you have to say about those insecure girls?"
Her response: "Nobody's ugly, that doesn't exist. I say, take the time to get to know who you are, take the time to love yourself and everything will be alright."

There you go, my personal goals! I hope this helps you all to make your own goals. Good luck and don't give up! You can do it! Much love <3

Quote of the day:

"Make it happen." - Unknown

"You must not be afraid to sparkle a little brighter, darling." - Kirsten Kuehn

"Sometimes you just have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down." - Kobi Yamada


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