January 31, 2016

January 2016 Playlist // Music

I love music and I would love to share my music to you guys! So once a month I will be posting my monthly playlist on here. Because my playlists tend to consist several songs, I'm just going to pick out my top 10 songs I really like. I hope you guys enjoy. Last but not least, what is your favorite songs at the moment?

Quote of the day:

"Music is just something that helps me escape and be totally free from everything." - David Schmitt


January 7, 2016

New Year Tag Twenty -Sixteen

I think it is safe to say that this will be the last post that has to be with the new year! Like I said before, I'm excited and curious about this new year. This year is the first year that I'm not in high school. This feeling I have right now is so different. Anyway I found this New Year Tag on YouTube and I wanted to do this, so I hope you reading this short tag. Once again, Happy New Year!

1. Rate 2015 on a scale of 1-10.


2. Fav Memories of 2015

This should answer the question!

3. Did you change at all in 2015?

Yes! For the better. I become stronger and relieved, well for that moment.

4. Did you stick to last years resolutions?

I never made any resolutions, but if I did, then I probably did not stick to the resolutions.

5. Did you travel anywhere in 2015 and where?

Yes! Mostly Jacksonville, Florida, because I have family there.

6. What are you excited for in 2016?

To discover new things!

7. List 3 2016 resolutions/goals?
  • Move to New York
  • Go my first concert
  • Maintain my 4.0 GPA
I tag anyone that is reading this right now! Feel free to comment your answers below!

Quote of the day:
"Throw caution to the wind." - Kate Spade


January 6, 2016

The Good Stuff in 2015 // My life

I hope we all made the best and the worst memories in 2015. Today I just want to point out the good things that happened to me in 2015. I also want to mention that whatever bad happened last year or couple of months ago, it is okay. Learn from it and do better. Never give up on your goals.

Fifteen great things

1. 1989 album


3. I graduated high school!

4. Because I was 18, I became an adult.

5. I started college!

6. I realized who are my true friends are.

7. My second cousin was born.

8. I finally watched and finished this epic television called, Gossip Girl and now my love for fashion and style has been growing.

9. I had lunch at Applebee's for the first time with my close friend.

10. Purpose album

11. I ended my first semester of college with a 4.0!

12. I was given my first Kate Spade purse as a high school graduation present.

13. I spoke my mind in front several people, including Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, an Human rights activists and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate at the PeaceJam conference.

14. Cameron Dallas's best friend came back from South America after two years. #frienshipgoals

15. I realized that I have so much to learn and to look forward to in 2016. It gets better.

Quote of the day:
"Constantly challenge yourself."

"Don't chase people. Chase your goals, because they won't wake up one day and say they don't love you anymore."

"There is only 360 days until 2017. Do something great."


January 4, 2016

Make a difference // Cam + Aaron Project with Hello Somebody

It is the new year and I bet on your list of goals for this year is to give back or make a difference in someone's life. There are several ways you can achieve this by volunteering at a nonprofit organization or just maybe helping out with your neighbors. In case you are not able to give time, you can always donate to an organization. No shame on that! :)

Hello Somebody is an organization that strives to make a global difference by visiting one village at a time to help improve their living and health situation, by partnering with people who believes it can be done.
My all time favorite social media stars Cameron Dallas and Aaron Carpenter plans to travel to Malanti, a struggling village located in northern Swaziland, Africa. Their water is insufficient and has become harmful for the villagers. Children are in need of help, because of the epidemic of AIDS/HIV, causing them to lose loved one and feeling lonely.

Hello Somebody has created an action plan. With the four acres of land they have obtained and the help of Cameron, Aaron, and us, they intend to improve and help the village in many ways.
  • Build a safe playground for the local children.
  • Stock the region with an abundance of crisis meals.
  • Provide equipment for a mobile medical unit to treat the villagers.
  • Build several necessary pure water wells to bring quality drinking water to the villagers.
  • Build a feeding center to feed the villagers daily.
  • Build a food storage facility for the villagers.
  • Provide books, tuition, uniforms, food, and medical care for all of the children.
  • Build a school facility to teach and train 200 orphaned children.
And this is where we come in, the organization has created a Cam + Aaron Collection, which consists of t-shirts and sweatshirts. Every item that is sold, we show support and the money goes toward this project.

When the organization reaches their goal to meet the humanitarian team in person, Cameron and Aaron has agreed to travel to Africa to help serve the people of Malanti. Their world will be changed forever.

Help this organization to help their goal. Spread the word. Together, we are going to change the world!

Here is a short video!

Quote of the day:
"Success is not about how much money you make, it is about the difference you make in people's lives." - Michelle Obama

"If you get, give. If learn, teach." - Maya Angelou

"Charity begins at home, but should not end there. " - Thomas Fuller


Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and is based on the organization's website.

January 3, 2016

Nice to Meet You // One Year Later

Before you start reading, click on this and read it and then come back. You just read my very first post. You are probably thinking, "Wow Sameera, was that really the first post you have ever published on your blog?" I know it is kind of embarrassing, which is why I would like to do an update on my first post. I hope you enjoy!

H e l l o reader, Welcome to my blog! My name is Sameera! One year ago around midnight or later an idea popped up in my head. That idea was to create a blog. I was not sure what type of blog to create, but I knew at that time I wanted my blog to be like the written version of YouTube videos. First I chose WordPress to host my blog, but then I got confused with layouts and templates and quickly switched to Blogger and went with the flow and used all of the provided tools to create this blog. One thing you may not know is, because of my love for the beach, the name of this blog used to be called seasidesameera. Don't get me wrong, I loved how the name was a catchy and all, but then I felt like the blog name did not fit with the content that I was posting. That was when I decided to change the name to sflirtswithadventure after several trials of choosing other names that were taken. I felt like this name would let me expand my horizon, such as I would be able post anything I wanted from baking cookies to an outfit of a day (who knows?!). I also love how the name is personal considering, s stands for my name, Sameera. I also aspire to create my life to be adventurous, extraordinary and filled with joyful memories.
My other aspirations consist of helping people through Medicine, see the world, meet people who have accomplished to turn my frown upside and encouraged me to look at the sunny bright side, and last but not least, to never lose faith.

Well that was my updated introduction.. And now time for the cliché words, I am so excited and can not wait for what the future holds. I may not know who is reading this, but I want to thank you so much for reading my thoughts for the past year. I am positively sure there will be more to come, now that I am learning and experiencing new things about myself and my surroundings whether it is near me or on the internet. As my best friend, Taylor Swift (please just go along with it), said in her clean speech, "You are a product of the lessons that you have learned... And now I believe walking through a lot of rainstorms gets you clean."

Quotes of the day:
"Take the high road, the view is much better." - Kate Spade
"She designed a life, she loved." - Unknown


January 1, 2016

It's a B16 Deal // Cruel -Free Makeup

It's 2016 and we the people of the world are still applying makeup on to our face that are tested on animals. Why why why?? WAKE UP, WORLD THIS IS NOT OKAY!!! What makes y'all think this is perfectly fine? We should do something about this situation by not buying makeup products that are not cruel-free. If every single of us do this, there's a possible chance that the company's sales will decrease and just maybe they will stop testing their products on animals for good. If you own a pet, then you should not be hesitating..

I have gathered a list of companies that DO NOT test their products on animals! Shout out to them! They're definitely doing something positive to our society!

Cruel - Free Makeup Products
I'm pretty sure there are more cruel-free makeup products!
Check out these Makeup blogs that have detailed information on cruel-free and also vegan makeup!

Quote of the day:
"I believe that all women are pretty without makeup,
but with it the right makeup can be pretty powerful." - Bobbi Brown
